In a collection of landmasses known as the Misty Vales travels a group of kind pirates trying to save the world from a bug-related curse. Our heroes are: Aubergine Cottontail, Captain Ruby Rouge, Ryo the Astral Elf, Beetroot the Changeling, Jeanette Marcel Renata, and everyone's beloved kid Mut.
The Misty Vales Collection is a collection of art focusing on telling story and designing character art relating to a Dungeons and Dragons game I play in.
"Courgette Profile"
"Courgette Profile"
"Autumn Aubergine"
"Autumn Aubergine"
"There was only one bed"
"There was only one bed"
Aubergine's Winter Look
Aubergine's Winter Look
"The Damned Fall"
"The Damned Fall"
"Escape from the Dragon"
"Escape from the Dragon"
Aubergine Fullbody
Aubergine Fullbody
"Enlock Cottontail"
"Enlock Cottontail"
"Maron Cottontail"
"Maron Cottontail"
"Courgette Cottontail"
"Courgette Cottontail"
"The Betrayal"
"The Betrayal"
"Aubergine's Defeat"
"Aubergine's Defeat"
"The Death? of Aubergine"
"The Death? of Aubergine"
"Who Is She?"
"Who Is She?"
"The Pirates of the Misty Vales"
"The Pirates of the Misty Vales"
"Christmas 2022"
"Christmas 2022"
Aubergine Full Reference
Aubergine Full Reference
"Freedom of the Waves"
"Freedom of the Waves"
"Ruby and Aubergine"
"Ruby and Aubergine"
"Aubergine's Rest"
"Aubergine's Rest"
Aubergine Cottontail
Aubergine Cottontail

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